In construction, a plumbline is a weight that is hung from a string that creates a perfectly straight line perpendicular to the earth. It is by that line that workers can tell whether or not they are setting things straight or not. That is the idea behind the plumblines for our church. These nine statements are the ideas by which are striving, with the Spirit's help, to build the church. These are the things that we desire to be known by and for as a church. You will hear us using these statements often as we believe these are the things the Lord has called us to be and do as a body.
Grace Covenant Church Plumblines
Mission Statement: Grace Covenant Church is a (i) covenanted community of Christians who are (ii) compelled by God’s Word and (iii) commissioned to the nations.
Covenanted Community
- The local church is God’s “Plan A,” and there is no “Plan B”.
- Christians don’t just join churches, they submit to them.
- The people of God living like the family of God should not be icing on the cake but the whole meal.
Compelled by God’s Word
- God’s Word has given the church all she needs for life and godliness.
- Discipleship happens best in relationship.
- We don’t want to be a village church with a village God.
Commissioned to the Nations
- Jesus’ last command is our first priority.
- We are the Church, and the Church is a missionary.
- We judge success by sending capacity, not seating capacity.